Friday, August 26, 2011

Fingers Crossed

Boys and girls, it has been an eventful week. I got my hair cut at the Aveda institute, only to end up talking Gilbert and Sullivan with my hairstylist. Long story short, he wants me to sing for him, and to get me in touch with his agent. Nice!

Saturday I had callbacks for Dusty Cartridges, the gaming webseries. I was very pleased with how it went, and yesterday I sent a follow-up email to the writer/director.

I went home to Boston for a few days. While there I sang for Legally Blonde and A Christmas Carol at North Shore Music Theater, and Pirates of Penzance at Fiddlehead. A friend has already heard about Fiddlehead, so I am not optimistic on that front, but my audition for A Christmas Carol went very well-- the pianist/music director remembered me, and the director was dancing along to my song in his chair! Fingers most definitely crossed for that one.

I did have a vocal scare-- after singing for my audition tuesday, my throat felt muscularly sore, and I was worried I had been forcing or doing something terribly wrong. (No! I want to keep my audition song with a high A!). Turns out I just caught my dad's cold. So I am taking advil and drinking tea and hoping I will cease feeling like a mute in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you feel better soon! Just thought I'd say hello. I usually lurk. Hello from an old SLCer. Yup, and my awkward hello! :)
