The director felt I had too many things going on. I thought I could balance it out...but I've always taken on too much. Ask me sometime about my extracurriculars at Sarah Lawrence. I don't remember if I slept.
I am disappointed. I was excited about the project. I thought I had a better rapport with the director, one that would warrant a phone call over a "Dear John" email, but the point seems to now be moot.
I think its very easy to turn around and call a person who drops you foul names, reassure yourself and others that you were too good for their project anyways, and do your best to write them off. The harder fact is that they have their goals, just like you have theirs, and you weren't helping them enough to continue your relationship.
What's worse is that this week has left me with two burned bridges: this director, and a photographer who would not stop sending harassing emails until I used the phrase "making my attorney father uncomfortable". The latter was inevitable. I am left wondering whether I could have made enough appropriate changes, and not felt I was cutting myself off from other opportunities, to salvage the former.
I'm sorry to hear that, hon. I know its a cliche to say, but you are talented and you will garner many more opportunities. You are so busy because you're wanted!