My text from last night read:"the part has opened up, and he'd LOVE to offer it to me if I'm still available" at such-and-such a time.
In that same vein, Boston Ballistic has been sending me emails about reporting to set for unpaid extra work. Yeeup. Totally gonna consider that.
I wonder if enjoying these situations when they arise means I am another bitter actor. As far as Willie is concerned, I am genuinely unavailable, I am not turning down this work out of spite. (Previous times this has happened I have turned down work because of other evident issues with the project). I am, however, bemused each time it happens.
In other news!
I was very pleased with my homemade video for the Nightwing webseries. I did get the quickest turnaround on a rejection I've had in quite some time after sending it, however. They say they're interested in me for other roles, and the DP is interested in shooting regular ol' photos with me. So, not a total loss.
Pirates is going well. I love singing light opera. I'm so glad I accepted this gig.
The Sci-Fi Noir pilot wrote me back, and is 'going another direction'.
Now that I'm back in MA I have the time and resources to work on my secondary skills. I have a new audition song I'm very excited about, and have been kicking my butt with Hanlon's piano exercises. Back to Chopin next week!