Saturday I had callbacks for Dusty Cartridges, the gaming webseries. I was very pleased with how it went, and yesterday I sent a follow-up email to the writer/director.
I went home to Boston for a few days. While there I sang for Legally Blonde and A Christmas Carol at North Shore Music Theater, and Pirates of Penzance at Fiddlehead. A friend has already heard about Fiddlehead, so I am not optimistic on that front, but my audition for A Christmas Carol went very well-- the pianist/music director remembered me, and the director was dancing along to my song in his chair! Fingers most definitely crossed for that one.
I did have a vocal scare-- after singing for my audition tuesday, my throat felt muscularly sore, and I was worried I had been forcing or doing something terribly wrong. (No! I want to keep my audition song with a high A!). Turns out I just caught my dad's cold. So I am taking advil and drinking tea and hoping I will cease feeling like a mute in the near future.