Thursday, July 28, 2011

Unrealistic Expectations?

Still no bites on the food service front. I thought I was stooping below my level when I attended an open call for Planet Hollywood last week. Tourists? Midtown? Blech, right? My resume didn't even pass the first going-over; I got sent home before the interview. The search continues.

I've gone to a few friends currently working as servers and bartenders for advice. The most useful (sanity wise, at least) is that it's summer, its the slow season for everyone. While the supplemental income may not come in time for agents' slow season, there will be more jobs in the fall.

No calls back from NYMF. What I learned from outside audition rooms: despite what my voice teacher thinks/hopes/told me, I do need to go in with a belt. 'Classic musical theatre' sound is not cutting it in the city. "All the Men in my Life (keep getting killed by Candarian demons)" needs to go in my book.

I had an audition on saturday I was very pleased with--for a webseries seeking a pretty gamer girl. They loved my monologue, and me geeking out about Gears of War 3. I haven't heard from them yet, but the feeling of having an audition 'click' is certainly nice enough. I was also entertained as hell that I had an audition in a BET office. Its hard to get whiter than me.

Ending the post with good news-- My headshot and resume passed a screener on Actor's Access to submit for a spinoff musical Disney show. My friend Caleb was so good as to help me shoot my scene and song. The character is very close to my type, so I have high hopes of getting past the first few video screeners, and maybe being watched by some important Disney casting types. That would be okay. The idea of me being squeaky fucking clean is an entertaining one.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I am an [actor],and [actor]s just believe...

Yes I've been listening to the Book of Mormon cast recording. Why do you ask?

I failed my goal of quitting my job by my birthday. While two of my three interviews last week went very well, my phone did not ring. I interviewed monday at a bar down by 2nd ave, and was told I'd be called back for the second round. I am also attending three open calls tomorrow--one of which is at planet hollywood to be a server.

The last time I served was when I was 18. I don't remember loving it, but I think I could get a handle of it again. Making money off tourists sounds a-ok to me.

I had two auditions on tuesday, both for NYMF shows. One was unified, and I saw a SLC face behind the very long audition table. The other was for a particular show, but they did not call me back to dance. I was pleased with how I sang, but from what I can tell I need to be working on and showcasing my belt technique.

Saturday I have an audition for a webseries. The role is me all over. Fingers crossed...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Keep Truckin'

In the past two weeks I have applied to countless jobs, interviewed for five, postponed one, and been stood up for two. Thursday I found out that I was expected to provide my own costume for a promo, and haul the materials around for the duration of the month. The brick wall I continue to hit is that I have no manhattan bartending/serving experience, let alone 3-5 years of it. Where did everyone else get their start?

In other news, I've started running regularly. All my runner friends were right-- I feel better the rest of the day--I'm more energized, and less cranky. I also have been putting my hula hoop to good use. Take that, abdominals!

I have the sneaking suspicion that my old Oscar Wilde project has fallen through, so I've started applying for all kinds of theater gigs I can find. I can't afford to be in classes at the moment, so I have to get myself working. I'm trying to focus on musical theater credits, but I'll take what I can get at this point.

I'm trying to be less cranky about the whole situation. We'll see how that goes.