Today took a few hits.
The lead I had been pursuing on a reasonably paying NY day job fizzled.
The lead I had on VO work with Turbine fizzled. Apparently all their work is handled by WB now, I'd need to already be a part of the corporate machine.
Per request of the owner, I'm bumping up my trip to NY to next week. She wants to make sure I like the apartment. Having a brooklyn brownstone to myself for $800/month (heat included!) is already a miracle, unless it's over a smokehouse I cannot forsee myself turning it down.
Today was the slowest day of Kinect work. Ever. Seriously. I blame the 15 foot snow mountains in the parking lot for scaring away customers
I'm also stressing out over the long term goal of moving the rest of my life to New York. Finding an apartment that will fit myself, my boyfriend, my cat, and all our stuff is one thing. Finding day jobs is another. So, to distract from that let's focus on...
Things achieved recently:
I've compiled a Master Resume. It includes every bit of acting work I've done since the beginning of college.
PDF resumes! One for Musical Theater, one for Film. Straight theater soon to follow.
Master resume, PDF resumes, and most recent photos sent to my fabulous web-designer, whom I owe tons of indian food.
And Edgar, my wondrous cat, has learned to share his toys. (Yes really. He tried giving his pipe cleaner to Nellie)